Designer & Visual Storyteller

Video & Animation

WINDPOWER 2019 Terawatt Sponsor Animation

This animation was created to highlight AWEA’s Terawatt Sponsors at the 2019 WINDPOWER Conference & Exhibition in Houston, TX. The concept was designed to show that becoming a sponsor directly enables the implementation of industry events, such as WINDPOWER, as well as initiatives such as advocacy, access to data, education, and thought leadership throughout the wind energy industry. This video animation was conceptualized by me and created using Adobe After Effects and Adobe Illustrator.


Virtual Summit Attendee Message

With the introduction of the new virtual events atmosphere in 2020, this video was conceptualized and created to add a personal touch for attendees at AWEA’s fall virtual events. The goal of this video was to express that despite the lack of in-person gathering, the team was still committed to creating connections and implementing virtual events with the same optimism and dedication. This video was conceptualized by me and edited using Adobe Premiere.


AWEA CEO Thank You Video

With the transition from the American Wind Energy Association to the American Clean Power Association also came a shift in leadership. As a farewell to AWEA’s CEO, Tom Kiernan, this video was created as somewhat of a “highlight reel” to not only touch on Tom’s accomplishments as CEO, but to also express his dedication to AWEA staff and his captivating skills as a speaker and leader. To create this video, I compiled snippets of past keynote addresses to tell a story of Tom’s time as AWEA CEO, as well as highlight milestones that were accomplished during his time at AWEA. The snippets of the speeches essentially acted as a narration for the video, making this video unique from traditional photo/video montages. This video was conceptualized by me and created using Adobe Premiere.